
Our Vision

One Horse at a Time.

Many horses in the United States end up in holding pens and live out their lives waiting, never to be adopted because they are untrained. Thousands of other horses in the United States are given to or bought by first time owners that are unaware of how to work with these horses and they end up on kill trucks. Approximately 140,000 horses in the United States are shipped over the Mexican and Canadian borders for slaughter each year.

Equine welfare is a major problem in the United States. Horses Without Humans was founded by a gold medalist FEI trainer and rider who recognized what a massive problem this is, and has seen first-hand talented, valuable horses on kill trucks or abandoned because their humans had no other options. Three special horses stand out as the ambassadors of Horses Without Humans, they are the horses that inspired the ideas behind starting our program.

Coraline was a very tricky prospect who arrived almost two years ago with serious trust issues and some dangerous habits. She was not safe to ride, and was out of options. With time and training she has since evolved into a good friend and partner to our farm manager, Sergio. She will have a forever home with him and his family.

Dargon is an eight-year-old, Friesian Thoroughbred cross with a kind, sweet soul that was abandoned in a field for reasons unknown. With time and training he has been a feature performer in our National Western Stock Show Night of Dancing Horses and will continue to train for live equine theater work. He is also an excellent beginner lesson horse because he is forgiving, easy to handle, and wonderful to learn from on the ground.

Indy is a seven-year-old, off-the-track Thoroughbred who was taken off the track by owners that were inexperienced in retraining horses off the track. He was in danger of being sent to slaughter if Yvonne did not intervene and take him. With time and training he has become a wonderful all around horse, with so much talent. He will be the subject of “Seventy Two: The Story of a Loser” a book Yvonne is currently in the process of writing. Indy is going to stay with Yvonne until he reaches the Prix St George’s level in dressage. In the meantime, he does both liberty and trick work in between his dressage training sessions.

Since successfully re-training those three horses, and seeing how rewarding the process really is and how many wonderful horses we could save each year doing that, Horses Without Humans developed a 120- acre state of the art training facility in Bell, Florida where we have the unique ability to accurately assess each horse, train and work through any behavioral problems so they are a safe and legitimate option for those wishing to purchase a horse. We offer continued training options for the horse and human to ensure that we found the right match, and that people have a clear and educated understanding of what it takes to own and care for a horse. At any time, if an owner can no longer care for the horse, we welcome the horse back into our program. For the duration of their lives, we proudly save horses in transition from one career to another, and horses that for whatever reason have no other options, one at a time.

We are giving horses a chance at their own happy ending. Maybe they are meant to be a companion, or a cherished first horse, we train these horses for all disciplines. Some may go on to be equine theater performers, trail horses, or the next winning dressage, hunter jumpers, or eventer. We are working to unite the equestrian community and lower the number of horses killed each year in the United States. When all a horse needs is a human, we are there.

Our Leader

About Yvonne.

Yvonne Barteau is a lifelong horsewoman and one of this nation’s most celebrated riders. Yvonne’s career with horses took her from jumping and barrel racing, to Standardbred racing, to re-training Thoroughbred racehorses for resale, to a job with Arabian Nights Dinner Theater in Orlando Florida. At Arabian Nights she became Principal Trainer, Featured Performer and Director of Entertainment Operations. It was here that she met, and married her husband and business partner, Kim Barteau. Since then, she has continued to pursue her passion for training horses, correcting equine behavioral challenges and competing in dressage while earning her United States Dressage Federation Gold, Silver and Bronze medals as well as her Gold, Silver and Bronze freestyle bars.

Her and her husband’s Business, KYB Dressage, has trained over a dozen horses to the Grand Prix Level and over 80 to Prix St George. Yvonne has qualified horses and riders for World Championships and World Cups and earned dozens of National and Regional titles.

Yvonne has the highest ranking of 5 stars on the Center Line Scores rating system. She has been long listed for the Olympic Team with Dutch Stallion Liberty and in 2015 her longtime training project and friend, the Holsteiner stallion GP Raymeister, was named Most winning Horse in USDF History.

Yvonne continues to be a sought-after equine entertainment producer. She produced and performed the sold out Breyerfest evening show at the Alltech arena in Lexington Kentucky for four years in a row, as well as The Night of Dancing Horses for the National Western Stock Show in Denver Colorado. Her equine productions often have layered story lines, imaginative costuming and feature expert horsemanship.

Yvonne Barteau has published two award winning books. Her most recent release The Dressage Horse Manifesto is the second of two books she has authored on horses. Ride the Right Horse, examines the impact of human and horse personalities and how they work together. In addition, Yvonne has authored multiple screenplays, including The Spirit of the Horse, All the Kings Horsemen, and Dream Upon A Horse.

Over the past four years Yvonne has written, produced and directed several award-winning documentaries earning awards at both the 2015 and 2016 Equus Film Festival in New York for her films that bring awareness to the plight of unwanted horses while capturing the magic of what equine theater horses can achieve. Her newest release “Into the Spotlight Two” premiered at the 2017 Equus Film Festival and was awarded Best Equine Film.

As the founder of Horses without Humans (HWH), a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Yvonne is dedicated to giving back to the equines which have given her so much. HWH is devoted to training and repurposing unwanted horses with the goal of finding them suitable life-long homes. Yvonne and her family are putting their years of temperament and training experience to work for the good of equine welfare and currently have over two dozen “adoptables” ready for a home.

Horses Without Humans training facility is in Bell, Florida at Rock Bluff Ranch. Yvonne’s knowledge reaches well beyond the 120 acre facility she has designed and made into a state of the art training facility . Through her online classes and hands on classes at the ranch, she shares her expertise with anyone interested in adopting a horse, looking to buy a horse, or simply looking to learn about horses. All proceeds from these classes go to Horses Without Humans and benefit the adoptable horses, and the horses currently under evaluation to begin their training.



Yvonne brings new energy and perspective to the area of at risk horses. Her talent with, and focus on, the retraining of horses for smooth transitions into their next career will help assure more good horses find good homes.

Dr. Emily Weiss, Ph.D. CAAB

Vice President of Equine Welfare Policy, Response & Engagement, ASPCA

“Yvonne Barteau and Horses Without Humans Rescue Organization are a powerful voice working to transform the landscape for horses in transition. By providing compassionate rehabilitation, elite professional training, and thoughtful placement, they are giving good horses another chance and shattering the stigma attached to adoptable horses. Horses Without Humans is leading the way with positive solutions and we are proud to count them as a Right Horse Initiative partner.”

The Right Horse Initiative



Our vision of ensuring every horse without a human is saved and loved is one that requires partners like you. Partner with us today and help make our dream a reality.

Take a next step.

Contact us today and let's talk about how we can partner to save these horses without humans.

  1. https://www.posmn.com/
  2. https://horseswithouthumans.org/
  3. https://mysterynovelist.com/
  4. https://www.alianzademediosalternativos.org/
  5. https://hemophiliasc.org/
  6. https://rebuildingtogether-oaklandcounty.org/
  7. https://www.albertanthonyrealestate.com/
  8. https://www.thewildestjourney.com/
  9. https://www.doumouchtsis.com/
  10. https://www.phocaltherapy.com/
  11. https://liviacstein.com/
  12. https://joharasnakedance.com/
  13. https://www.125timeinharlem.org/
  14. https://savingdowns.org/
  15. https://drpcjaipur.org/
  16. pintarbersamamedan.org
  17. https://pintarbersamamanado.org
  18. https://pintarbersamasorong.org/dana
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